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reverse apex

Our Reverse Apex Sheds are 6" higher than our standard sheds meaning more head room. Also the doors can go on any side.

Previously installed buildings

Our Reverse Apex buildings have higher walls. 6" higher than our standard shed. This allows for our standard height doors to be put on any side walls.


You can chose the layout of the doors and windows. As you can see, most customers have opted for two sets of 4'x2' windows especially if it's a long sized shed. Allowing plenty of light in.


One building is painted in Red Cedar. Customer got back in touch with us to double the size! Their business was booming so needed more space for their Resin Business.


The heights of these buildings match their heights of our Summerhouses and Contemporary Summerhouses.



Design Specification Overview

6'3" Walls meaning 6" higher than your standard shed with us.
Using our own design Shiplap overlapping by 3/4" as standard. You can opt for our Deluxe Shiplap during the ordering process.

Tanalised 35 x 45mm Rafters
19mm Floorboards

35 x 45mm rafters
Green Mineral Felt
Batons to secure the felt on sides and on each rafter along the roof to ensure the felt is held securely.

Additional options of:
Additional Doors, Double Doors
More Windows, or fancier windows! (Like the cottage style one pictured)
Metal Box Profile sheets on the roof with guttering.


Photo of an internal divider & trusses.

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